This time, the EU must bring China to the table alone. Parmi les « initiatives prometteuses », l’expert relève les mesures proposées pour encadrer les émissions des secteurs maritime et aérien, « deux passagers clandestins de la politique climatique européenne », notamment la fin des subventions fiscales dont ils bénéficient. East European states have been promised financial incentives, as their economies are more fossil fuel dependent. The European commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, called it “Europe’s man on the moon moment”. It is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. At least €1 tn (£852bn) needs to be found over the next decade, according to the European commission. Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. Populists are keen to promote anti-greenery, as they listen to voters,” he says. Developed in response to recent US DEM initiatives, and in particular to the Green New Deal launched by MEP Alexandria Ocasio Cortez with the support of Bernie Sanders, and to the … The biggest share, €503bn, should come from the EU budget, unleashing a further €114bn from national governments (because EU programmes often require a contribution from member states). Jennifer Rankin in Brussels. Europe has cut emissions by roughly one quarter since 1990 – good but nowhere near enough to put the bloc on track to net zero by mid-century. T he EU Green Deal is one of the most ambitious priorities of the new European Commission (EC). Climate change is already affecting Europeans today Parliament wants the Green Deal to be at the core of the EU’s Covid-19 recovery package. Economists at the Bruegel thinktank say it is a stretch to consider the €503bn from the EU budget as “green investment”, as much of the money would be spent on traditional EU policies such as farm subsidies. And don’t forget, EU governments last month failed to agree a new seven-year budget, with four “frugal” net payers leading the charge to cut EU spending. And beneath the surface, tensions over Europe’s green ambitions are not hard to find. « Les objectifs de ce deal sont ambitieux, visant une transformation de l’économie européenne », se félicite Sébastien Treyer, directeur de l’Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (Iddri), qui salue « l’invitation au verdissement des politiques macroéconomiques », un gage de « cohérence ». The next €279bn would come mostly from the private sector: the idea is that companies would be encouraged to make risky green investments by loan guarantees from the European Investment Bank, the EU lender, which recently pledged to phase out loans to fossil fuel projects. The European Green Deal is at the heart of European efforts to achieve sustainability. “In the face of Trump’s climate nihilism, only the EU can show that the world’s largest economy can decarbonise while continuing to provide a high standard of living for its 500 million people.”. This year – coronavirus permitting – will see the most important international climate meeting since the landmark Paris agreement was signed in 2015. However, the same skepticism does not apply when it comes to the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), where Denmark together with a number of EU countries are co-owner. Another Green New Deal is possible – and it’s feminist. Here are the 10 main points in the Commission plan:. European Green Deal: Ein Plan mit Blindstelle. “The AFD is fuelled partly by climate scepticism. Its main objectivesare for the EU to become climate Others fear that carbon financiers will game the system, meaning EU cash fails to trigger truly green investment from the private sector. Ce message s’affichera sur l’autre appareil. The European Green Deal (minus the word “new’ with its radical overtones) is not yet one year old. E uropas Mondlandung soll er werden – der „Green Deal“, den die EU-Kommissionspräsidentin vor wenigen Tagen mit großer Geste der … Europe has the power to demonstrate to the world that tackling climate change can go hand in hand with economic growth, … Those elections resulted in a record number of seats for European Greens, as climate change topped the agenda in Germany and the Nordic countries. Le « green deal » prévoit que le climat, instauré comme priorité, irrigue l’ensemble des politiques publiques européennes – l’énergie, l’industrie, les transports, l’agriculture, Les nouveaux objectifs européens devront être adoptés par les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement, un processus qui risque de se révéler long et complexe alors que seuls neuf Etats membres, dont la France, militent pour une baisse de 55 % des émissions. All of the EU’s budget will be subject to checks to ensure it is spent in ways that benefit the environment. Even friendly experts detect wishful accounting in Brussels’ figures. Le "Green Deal" européen. On the climate crisis, the UK is aligned with the EU. The European Green Deal is our plan to make the EU's economy sustainable. The EU will face a backlash from its citizens, fuelled by populist politicians, for persisting with green policies, predicts Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform thinktank. But the national pledges made at Paris on curbing greenhouse gases fell short of what is required to stay below 2C, and since 2015 the world’s carbon output has risen by 4%. La France n’a pas trouvé de vaccin contre le Covid-19. The Coming Wars Europe At Large World View Beyond The Bubble Declassified POLITICO Live See all future events April 19 — Rewriting the Transatlantic Tech Playbook April 20 — The coming shakeup of the EU … Dozens of harmful chemicals have been phased out, farm animal welfare standards raised and recycling rates beat most of the world. On top of this Brussels has promised a €100bn “just transition” mechanism to help retrain workers who lose jobs in shuttered coal mines or steel factories. Von der Leyen’s last-minute elevation angered the European parliament, pressuring her to lean to the left, liberals and Greens to gain support. Those 24 pages lay out a radical project to make the EU climate neutral by 2050 — that means the world’s second-largest economy will stop adding to the earth’s stock of greenhouse gases by then. “This will increase the electoral strength of populists.”, Some leftwing campaigners have also attacked the plans. So wollen die Grünen, dass die EU schon 2040 klimaneutral wird. Surtout, le « green deal » oublie qu’atteindre la neutralité carbone en 2050 nécessite d’accélérer le rythme de la transition écologique d’ici à 2030. Cette nouvelle stratégie phare de la Commission vise à : Il y aurait une opposition flagrante entre les discours sur l’ambition et l’incapacité des Etats à s’entendre pour agir. Given that EU leaders have committed to achieving a net-zero-carbon economy by 2050, there is… Emissions impacts of burning wood for heat and power. The stark answer is no.”. Que se passera-t-il si vous continuez à lire ici ? Pour le RAC, la Commission doit « accélérer ses travaux » et présenter un nouvel objectif européen avant mars 2020, afin d’« éviter de devenir une opération de greenwashing » et de parvenir à « entraîner les pays très émetteurs, notamment ceux du G20 comme la Chine ou l’Inde, à faire de même avant la COP26 ». The European Green Deal is a document so thin you could print it out and not feel like you would be in breach of an EU forestry directive. Energy-intensive industries, for instance, have been covered by an emissions trading scheme since 2005, but political pressure kept the price of carbon low, rendering it largely ineffectual. Taking issue with the “just transition” mechanism, Yanis Varoufakis and David Adler of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, wrote in the Guardian: “Will there be justice for the communities across Germany and France that have been asked to shoulder the costs of the climate transition? But it has become the touchstone issue for this commission.”. European Green Deal is a key policy plank of the new European Commission led by President Ursula von der Leyen. But enthusiasm has ebbed since Paris, from Donald Trump’s US, to Brazil, India and big oil producers such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. In early January of this year, the European Commission approved the Green Deal, an investment plan to reduce climate-changing emissions. Vous ne pouvez lire Le Monde que sur un seul appareil à la fois (ordinateur, téléphone ou tablette). But MEPs often lose the battle against EU ministers, who usually get the upper hand in EU negotiations. The key player will be China, the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and second biggest economy. Das geplante Klimaschutzprogramm der EU-Kommission ist nicht perfekt. This is the overarching objective of the European Green Deal. What’s missing, though, is a clear plan of action to meet the net zero aim. He points to the gilets jaunes protests in France, which took off after rises in fuel taxes intended to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the rise of the AFD in Germany. An impact assessed plan will also be presented to increase the EU's greenhouse gas emission reductions target for 2030 to at least 50% and towards 55% compared with 1990 levels.. The backing of the UK – which despite covertly watering down some measures in the past has broadly pushed for the low-carbon agenda – will be missed, predicts Jean Lambert, the former Green party MEP. Jobs will be created, the commission believes, in new high-tech industries from renewable energy to electric vehicle manufacturing and sustainable building, and efficiencies in resource use will repay the cost of the changes. Qui faut-il sauver quand on ne peut pas soigner tout le monde ? But there will never be a vaccine for climate change. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addresses the environment committee at the European Parliament in Brussels as they unveil their Green Deal. Impôts des multinationales : un aggiornamento fiscal se prépare, Télécommunications : Huawei, de plus en plus chinois, de moins en moins global, Le télétravail, ou la tentation du nomadisme, « Notre surconsommation d’engrais azotés de synthèse est un désastre écologique, social et économique ». “EU climate leadership [in the form of] the green deal is crucial to putting pressure on China and other major emitters to make more ambitious climate commitments,” says Paul Bledsoe, a climate adviser in Bill Clinton’s White House, who has attended more than a dozen climate negotiations since the 1990s. Er unterstützt den Übergang der EU zu einer fairen, wohlhabenden Gesellschaft, die die mit Klimawandel und Umweltzerstörung einhergehenden Herausforderungen in Angriff nimmt und die Lebensqualität heutiger und künftiger Generationen verbessert. Meanwhile, critics in eastern countries complain there is not enough money to help coal regions. Avec ce calendrier tardif, « l’Union européenne arrivera vraisemblablement les mains vides à la COP26 de Glasgow, en novembre 2020, mettant à mal la crédibilité de l’accord de Paris », prévient Clément Sénéchal, chargé de campagne climat pour Greenpeace France. Torn between the cuts caused by Brexit and the investments that the European Green Deal requires, negotiations over the next EU budget after 2020 are getting tough. During the coronavirus pandemic economic activity slowed, causing a reduction in carbon emissions but leaving the EU facing recession. The European Green Deal, the European commission, A trillion reasons to scrutinise the Green Deal Investment Plan, Bruegel, How good is the European commission’s Just Transition Fund proposal?, Bruegel, Europe’s Green Deal, Jeffrey Sachs, Project Syndicate, Your support powers our independent journalism, Available for everyone, funded by readers. Finally, EU diplomatic efforts will be mobilised in support of the Green Deal. In part, this will build on two decades of work in a few of these sectors, such as directives mandating renewable energy and cutting air pollution. But that slim size conceals a big punch. If that sounds ambitious, it is. « Nous avons besoin d’un Green New Deal ambitieux pour l’Europe, qui façonne l’avenir de nos enfants et assure leur santé, leur bien-être et leur sécurité sur une planète verte et florissante », a réagi l’intéressé, ajoutant qu’il était « ravi de travailler sur ce projet pour les cinq prochaines années ». Parce qu’une autre personne (ou vous) est en train de lire Le Monde avec ce compte sur un autre appareil. The EU plan resulted when an unexpected political leader collided with newly-elected MEPs, energised by the global climate movement. ‘Climate neutral’ Europe. transform the 27-country bloc from a high- to a low-carbon economy, pledged to phase out loans to fossil fuel, fell short of what is required to stay below 2C, a surprise choice to become European commission president, record number of seats for European Greens, A trillion reasons to scrutinise the Green Deal Investment Plan. To overcome these challenges, Europe needs a new growth strategy that will transform the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, where. Pour y faire face, l’Europe a besoin d’une nouvelle stratégie de croissance qui transforme l’Union en une économie moderne, compétitive et efficace dans l’utilisation des ressources, That gives MEPs a weighty role across a swathe of new laws expected to flow from the European Green Deal: a revision of the EU’s heavily criticised carbon trading scheme, new performance standards for cars and vans, an overhaul of farm policy, changes to EU rules on state subsidies that will phase out support for fossil fuels. In a damning report in 2017, the EU’s auditors highlighted how farmers were being paid to undertake environmentally friendly measures they would have done anyway, such as crop rotation, while governments handed out “green” cash with little oversight. Um das zu schaffen, müssen bisherige Klimaziele verschärft werden. To win MEPs over, she promised a European Green Deal within 100 days of taking office. Then, all of the world’s functioning states signed up to hold global temperature rises to no more than 2C, and preferably to below 1.5C, beyond which the ravages of climate breakdown become catastrophic and irreversible. Even if the EU realised its €1tn plan, it wouldn’t be enough. Krisen har afsløret sparepolitikkens utilstrækkelighed og demonstreret behovet for stærke offentlige initiativer, herunder en Green New Deal, skriver 400 forskere og akademikere i dette fælles opråb Votre avis sur nos contenus nous intéresse. The €503bn is not even in the bank. Nous vous conseillons de modifier votre mot de passe. « Si l’Europe n’y parvenait pas, ce serait un très mauvais signal après la présentation du “green deal”, prévient Neil Makaroff. EU-Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen greift nach den Sternen. The idea of a Green New Deal has been kicking around US politics since at least 2006. But alongside those successes, the natural world has suffered a calamity across the continent: birds, insects, mammals, fish … few creatures (other than humans) have had a good time of it since the EU was created in 1992. The post-Brexit environment bill, agriculture bill and fisheries bill now going through the British parliament contain various loopholes that green campaigners say would reduce in the UK the environmental protections that current EU law guarantees. The new European parliament also has more rightwing MEPs, so it may be harder to pass some measures, she says. Doch es … Par Audrey Garric(Madrid (Espagne), envoyée spéciale). Außerdem fordert die Partei, die Klimaziele der EU zu verschärfen. green_deal_proposal. If implemented successfully, it will enable Europe to play a leading role in redefining how the world achieves sustainable economic … Chief executives, heads of government and senior UN officials told EU officials their children were asking what they were doing to save the planet. Maßnahme der EU-Kommission.
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