Senator Judith P. Guthertz, DPA Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security. Cruz Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security. Chairperson, Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens, September 12, 2009 - Saturday 6:00pm Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, The Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries, and Technology, chaired by Senator Matt Rector, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: September 4, 2009 - Friday 9:00am The readiness of the Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency relative to the anticipated increased volume of traffic in as a result of the buildup, Confirmation of Appointment - Mr. Christopher M. Duenas, Director, Department of Land Mangement, Confirmation of Appointment - Ms. Rosita T. Fejeran, Member, Guam Banking & Insurance Board, Confirmation of Appointment - Mr. Gerard A. Cruz, Member, Guam Retirement Fund Board, Confirmation of Appointment - Ms. Katherine Taitano, Member, Guam Retirement Fund Board, Confirmation of Appointment - Ms. Antolina S. Leon Guerrero, Member, Guam Retirement Fund Board. Resolution No. Senator Thomas C. Ada Senator Matt Rector Chairperson, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, February 13, 2009 - Friday 9:00am Senator Matt Rector Senator Thomas C. Ada Please be advised that the committee on Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security will conduct a series of Oversight Hearings concerning the Guam Military Buildup with the Civilian Military Task Force Senator vincente c. pangelinan Notice of a Public Hearing Senator Matt Rector Chairman, Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting. Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 11, 2009 - Monday 8:30am Senator Tina R. Muna Barnes *Please bear with us as we work on improving the live video stream of our Legislative events. Insurance, Retirement and Land. Video courtesy of the 35th Guam Legislature's YouTube channel. Senator Matt Rector The Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: October 2, 2009 - Friday 10:00am Chairperson, Committee on on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs. weekday[2]="Tuesday"; Senator Matt Rector Chairperson, Committee on Economic Development, Health and Human Resources & Judiciary. The following list of Guam Legislatures are available in electronic format from the 35th Guam Legislature. January 9, 2010 - Saturday Chairman, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, September 18, 2009 - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Insurance, Retirement and Land. Judiciary. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Matt Rector Senator vincente c. pangelinan This Board Meeting is open to the public via Zoom Video Conference. Chairperson, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries, and Technology. Chairperson, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology. On the agenda: Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Hearing of the Guam Visitors Bureau, Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Financial Student Administrative Services (FSAIS), Guam Committee for Educator Certification.

var theDate = new Date(document.lastModified); The Chairman and members of the Committee would like to focus the discussion on matters pertaining to the following: February 4, 2009 - Wednesday 1:30pm If you see any discrepencies in the listings, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature or call at (671) 472-3465. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Insurance, Retirement and Land. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works and Veterans Affairs. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land. *Marilyn A.P. Disclaimer: The Guam Legislature is not responsible for accessibility in third party applications. Judiciary, The Committee on Economic Development, Health and Human Resources & Judiciary will conduct an Oversight Hearing on the following: Items on the agenda are as follows: Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security, October 9, 2009 - Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm, Chairperson, Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens, Chairperson, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary, Chairperson, Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, and Land, Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Securtiy, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs, the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security, Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land. The Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 16, 2009 - Thursday 2:00pm The hearings will cover various matters and concerns with each of the Civilian Military Task Force’s subcommittees. The Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens will conduct a rescheduled public hearing from a February 27, 2009 scheduled Public Hearing on the following Bills: March 3, 2009 - Tuesday 5:30pm Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation. }, *Juan M. Tuncap decliend a seat in the 4th Legislature in order to retain his position as Legislative Staff Director, a position he has occupied since 1952, *Died in office on August 16, 1987 Please be advised that the committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony concerning an appointment by Governor Felix P. Camacho and on the following Bill. Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 12, 2009 - Tuesday 8:30am Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. "The Guam … The Judiciary of Guam, also known as the Unified Courts of Guam is comprised of both the Superior Court and the Supreme Court of Guam. Please be advised that the committee on Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security will continue its Oversight Hearings concerning the Guam Military Buildup with the Civilian Military Task Force The Office of Senator Frank F. Blas, Jr. will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony on the following: March 10, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am The Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs will conduct a Public Hearing on the following Bills and Resolution. March 11, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation, chaired by Senator Tina Rose Muna Barnes, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: December 9, 2009 - Wednesday 12:00 pm Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Matt Rector document.write("Last updated "+weekday[getDay()]+' '+getDate()+' '+months[getMonth()]+' '+d.getFullYear()+' '+getHours()+':'+getMinutes()+" GMT") weekday[3]="Wednesday"; Senator Tina Rose Muna-Barnes Senator Thomas C. Ada Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator Adolpho B. Palacios Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 1, 2009 - Monday 8:00am Senator vincente c. pangelinan Until September 2008*. The Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony on the following Bill: March 6, 2009 - Friday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator Thomas C. Ada Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation. Senator Thomas C. Ada Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs, On the agenda: Senator Thomas C. Ada Senator vincente c. pangelinan Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security. The Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs will conduct a public hearing to receive testimony on the following appointments by the Governor and to hear testimony on the following Bills: March 17, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, and Land. A recording of the hearing will be available online via Guam Legislature Media on YouTube after the hearing. The 36th Guam Legislature sees the return of reelected incumbents and former Republican senators including Joanne Brown, Chris Duenas, Frank Blas and Tony Ada. April 6, 2009 - Monday 1:00pm Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, The Committee on Utilites, Transportation, Public Works and Veterans Affairs will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 7, 2009 - Tuesday 1:00pm Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Judith P. Guthertz, DPA The Government of Guam's response to the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 22, 2009 - Friday 8:30am Senator Matt Rector Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator vincente c. pangelinan The Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation will conduct a Public Hearing on the following : June 24, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am Confirmation of Appointment - Mr. John R. Ilao, Member, Alcohol Beverage Control Board. The Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens will conduct a public hearing on the following: February 11, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am Senator Matt Rector Screenshot via the Guam Legislature YouTube … Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation. Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 12, 2009 - Friday 8:00am Senator Tina Rose Muna-Barnes The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, and Land, chaired by Senator ben pangelinan, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: September 23, 2009 - Wednesday 6:00pm (Inarajan Mayor's Office) Oversight Hearings concerning the Guam Military Buildup with the Civilian Military Task Force. April 24, 2009 - Friday 9:00am The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony on the following Resolution and Bills: March 4, 2009 - Wednesday 9:30am The Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works and Veterans Affairs, chaired by Senator Thomas C. Ada, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: August 25, 2009 - Tuesday 6:00pm January 30, 2009 - Friday 9:30am Senator vincente c. pangelinan The Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens, chaired by Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr., will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: October 1, 2009 - Thursday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Hafa adai! List of all Guam Legislatures. The Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting will conduct a public hearing to receive testimony on the following: March 13, 2009 - Friday 9:30am Chairperson, Committee on Education, September 28, 2009 - Monday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Chairperson, Committee on Rules Senator ben pangelinan Chairperson, Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting. Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation, December 11, 2009 - Friday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works and Veterans Affairs, November 20, 2009 - Friday 3:00 pm September 16, 2009 - Wednesday 6:00pm (Barrigada Community Center) April Since our move to the Guam Congress Building, the legislature has been livestreaming and keeping archives of legislative events on the streaming service, YouTube. Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Chairperson, Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Tina R. Muna Barnes Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 9, 2009 - Tuesday 5:30pm Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Matt Rector The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony on the following Bills and nominations to the Guam Banking and Insurance Board. The Guam Legislature. The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, On the agenda: *The live stream is still a work in progress so the feed may cut in and out as we work on stablizing the stream. Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation. Chairman, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, December 5, 2009 - Saturday Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. Senator vicente "ben" c. pangelinan Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. He replaces Sen. James Moylan who was replaced by the GOP caucus on March 18. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, The Legislature of Guam (Chamorro: Liheslaturan Guåhan) is the law-making body for the United States territory of Guam.The unicameral legislative branch consists of fifteen senators, each serving for a two-year term. Chairperson, Committee on Labor, Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology. Senator Thomas C. Ada with (theDate) { Chairperson, Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens (Thirtieth Guam Legislature’s Standing Rules) to increase transparency in the legislative var weekday=new Array(7); Senator Benjamin J.F. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, The memorial at the Legislature event will be broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117/60.4, and streamed online via I Liheslaturan Guåhan’s live feed on YouTube… The Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, chaired by Senator Matt Rector, will be conducting a public hearing on Monday, April 13, 2009 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Legislature’s Public Hearing Room. Senator Tina Rose Muña-Barnes Please be advised that the Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation, chaired by Senator Tina Rose Muna-Barnes will be conducting a public hearing on the following: April 8, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am legislative session via YouTube. The Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens will conduct a public hearing on the following: February 4, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am 9:00 AM, April 21, 2009 - Tuesday 1:00pm Chairperson, Committee on Education The Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs will conduct a Public Hearing to receive public testimony on the following appointment by Governor Felix P. Camacho. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator Frank F. Blas, Jr. STATE OF GUAM: Gov. Senator vincente c. pangelinan April 9, 2009 - Thursday 1:00pm Senator Benjamin J.F. Senator vicente "ben" c. pangelinan Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 2, 2009 - Tuesday 8:00am Oversight Hearings concerning the Guam Military Buildup with the Civilian Military Task Force: Public Commentary. The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 7, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am Chairperson, Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens. Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land will conduct a Public Hearing on the following department’s/agency’s FY 2010 Budget: June 26, 2009 - Friday 8:00am Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 20, 2009 - Wednesday 8:30am Senator vincente c. pangelinan The Democratic caucus took control of the leadership of the 29th Guam Legislature in March 2008. The vacancy in the legislature caused by her death was filled by a special election held on April 6, 1991, where Madeleine Z. Bordallo was elected. Senator Rory J. Respicio Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 21, 2009 - Thursday 8:00am The Committee on Economic Development, Health and Human Resources & Judiciary will conduct a public hearing to receive testimony on the following: March 16, 2009 - Monday 9:00am February 9, 2009 - Monday 9:00am 29th Guam Legislature (2007) Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, weekday[4]="Thursday"; Senator vincente c. pangelinan

months = ['January', 'Febraury', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; Chairperson, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator Frank F. Blas, Jr. September 15, 2009 - Tuesday 10:00am Senator Matt Rector Senator Thomas C. Ada : (671) 989-5445 Fax: (671) 969-6737 e-mail: Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Tina R. Muna Barnes (d.getFullYear());

... Beginning at the Paseo Stadium, hundreds of island residents including members of the 34th Guam Legislature, walked to the Guam Congress Building holding signs acknowledging an unborn baby's right to life. Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 24, 2009 - Wednesday 1:00pm Chairman, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, October 2, 2009 - Friday 9:00am Cruz Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. Senator vicente c. pangelinan The Committee on Rules, natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 31, 2009 - Friday 10:00am Attached is a copy of the Brief of Interested Party which can also be found at Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 6, 2009 - Wednesday 8:00am Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 11, 2009 - Thursday 8:00am Senator Tina Rose Muna-Barnes On the agenda: Chairperson, Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens. weekday[0]="Sunday"; For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at . DUENAS: Commission on Consolidated Utilities Chairman Joey Duenas, left, speaks to senators during an informational hearing in May 2019. Carl Gutierrez, the governor's economic adviser and Guam … Opinion Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security. The Committee on Education will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony on the following appointments by Governor Felix P. Camacho. This website is updated regularly by the 36th Guam Legislature's Management Information System Office Chairperson, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary. Certificate Presentation - Senator Amanda L. Shelton - April 1, 2021 3:30pm Chairperson, Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs. February 11, 2009 - Wednesday 1:00pm Senator: 'I truly feel remorseful' Senator Thomas C. Ada Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs, June 23, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 8, 2009 - Monday 8:00am Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works and Veterans Affairs, August 15, 2009 - Saturday 10:00am Hearing on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 1pm in the Legislature's Public Hearing 15 (COR) - R.J. Respicio: Relative to presenting an Agenda of Priority Concerns for Guam on Federal-territorial issues for proposed action to President Barack Obama and to the Congress of the United States. Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security Senator Matt Rector All Funding received by the Government of GUam in spport of the Guam Military Buildup. Cruz The Territorial Party changed to the Republican Party in 1966. weekday[6]="Saturday";

Senator Matt Rector The Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: June 19, 2009 - Friday 1:00pm Senator vincente c. pangelinan April 22, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am Senator vincente c. pangelinan September 18, 2009 - Friday 6:00pm (Yigo Senior Citizens Center) Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 13, 2009 - Wednesday 8:00am Senator Thomas C. Ada Chairman, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology. Chairperson, Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary, July 9, 2009 - Thursday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Rules, natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs. Chairperson, Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting, July 15, 2009 - Wednesday 8:00am Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 8, 2009 - Friday 8:00am Orientation Hearing: Department of Agriculture - and the various divisions and functions of the agency. March 26, 2009 - 9:00 AM, March 23, 2009 - Monday 9:00am

Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator Rory J. Respicio The following list of Guam Legislatures are available in electronic format from the 35th Guam Legislature. Chairperson, Committee on Labor, Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology. Senator Tina R. Muna Barnes The Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, chaired by Senator Matt Rector, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: October 6, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Lou Leon Guerrero delivers her third State of the Island address on March 8 in the Guam Congress building, while Speaker Therese Terlaje, background, looks on. Senator Judi P. Guthertz, DPA The 36th Guam Legislature comprises eight Democrats and seven Republicans, making it a bit more challenging for Democratic Gov. The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land will conduct a Public Hearing to receive testimony on the following Bills, The committee will also conduct an Oversight Hearing on The Chamorro Land Trust Commission: April 16, 2009 - Thursday 9:00am The Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs will conduct a public hearing on the following Bills: February 6, 2009 - Friday 9:00am 864 likes. Major events that have affected the legislature since then include the change in politics from a one-party system in the beginning (the Popular Party) to the two-party system of today (the Democrats and Republicans), as well as a reduction in the number of senators from twenty-one to fifteen. The Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs will conduct a public hearing to receive testimony on the following Bills: Senator vincente c. pangelinan Chairperson, Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Senior Citizens. Judiciary of Guam. The Committee on Public Safety, Law Enforcement, and Senior Citizens will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: June 19, 2009 - Friday 4:00pm Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. Chairman, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, November 19, 2009 - Thursday 6:30pm The Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology will be conducting a public hearing on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Legislature's Public Hearing Room. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, The Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 20, 2009 - Monday 8:30am March 25, 2009 - 9:00 AM, On the agenda: Senator Thomas C. Ada Bill No. All members of the legislature are elected at-large with the island under one whole district. The 36 th Guam Legislature is represented by Legislative Counsel, Ana Won-Pat Borja, Esq. Insurance, Retirement and Land. weekday[5]="Friday"; Senator vincente c. pangelinan Senator vincente c. pangelinan The 21st Guam Legislature was a meeting of the Guam Legislature.It convened in Hagatna, Guam on January 7, 1991 and ended on January 4, 1993, during the 1st and 2nd years of Joseph F. Ada's 2nd Gubernatorial Term.. The Guam Legislature is preparing for its next monthly session, and one bill under consideration could net tens of millions in savings for the island’s depressed treasury. The Committee on Labor, Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology, chaired by Senator Matt Rector, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: August 4, 2009 - Tuesday 6:00pm Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs. Speaker Judith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security. Won Pat died on December 15, 1990, before taking office. (Thirtieth Guam Legislature’s Standing Rules) to increase transparency in the legislative process. Resolution No. Senator Judith P. Guthertz, DPA Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Senator Matt Rector The Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 30, 2009 - Thursday 6:00pm The Committee on Economic Development, Health & Human Services, and Judiciary will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: July 28, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am The Republican caucus in the 36th Guam Legislature has chosen Sen. Chris Duenas as its new Minority Leader. Cruz, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: October 19, 2009 - Monday 8:30am Chairperson, Committee on Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Public Broadcasting. Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 3, 2009 - Wednesday 8:00am Senator Adolpho B. Palacios, Sr. Bill No. process. Chairperson, Committee on Utilities, Transportation, Public Works, and Veterans Affairs, June 18, 2009 - Thursday 8:00am The Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Security, chaired by Senator Judith P. Guthertz, DPA, will conduct a Public Hearing on the following: October 14, 2009 - Wednesday 9:00am Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation, November 22, 2009 - Sunday 1:00pm March 6, 2009 - Friday 5:30pm Chairperson, Committee on the Guam Military Buildup and Homeland Securtiy, September 19, 2009 - Saturday 12:30pm (Santa Barbara Church, Upper Level, Dededo) Chairperson, Committee on Labor, the Public Structure, Public Libraries and Technology. Welcome to the Guam Legislature Archives. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Chairperson, Committee on Rules, Natural Resources, and Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs. Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 16, 2009 - Tuesday 8:30am Insurance, Retirement and Land, May 7, 2009 - Thursday 8:00am Chairman, Committee on Education. The Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Insurance, Retirement and Land will conduct a Public Hearing on the following bills: May 19, 2009 - Tuesday 8:30am Senator vicente c. pangelinan Chairman, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing, and Recreation. Currently, there are over 1,620 video uploads that the public can access via our YouTube channel, “Guam Legislature Media.” *Following the death of Republican Senator Antonio R. Unpingco on October 18, 2007, a special election was held in January 2008, at which former Democratic Senator Benjamin J.F. Chairperson, Committee on Appropriations, Taxation, Banking, Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation, December 1, 2009 - Tuesday 10:00 am Chairperson, Committee on Municipal Affairs, Aviation, Housing and Recreation. theDate.setTime((theDate.getTime()+(60*60))) Insurance, Retirement and Land, June 25, 2009 - Thursday 1:00pm February 10, 2009 - Tuesday 9:00am