Daran hing eine Rakete mit Stummelflügeln. Early life. Most of these top Nazis were later brought to the U.S. Wernher von Braun led NASA'S development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the Moon. NASA.gov brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. März 1912 in der preußischen Provinz Posen geboren wird, ist musisch begabt. Von Braun was
( Log Out / Walter, V-2. März 1912 in Wirsitz (Wyrzysk) geboren, das heute in Polen liegt. 1. On the one hand, Von Braun (1912 – 1977) was a genius, visionary, and a brilliant engineering manager who is rightly credited as the father of America’s space program. Along the way, von Braun and others became superstars, lauded by the media and in the halls of power. Wernher's father was a wealthy farmer and a provincial councilor and served as Minister for Agriculture during the 1930s in President Hindenburg's Weimar Republic. Parents, if you show this one to the youngens right before ny-nite, they might not sleep easy; unlike most ET/UFO docs shown on TV, this one doesn’t exactly end with a question mark of possibilities… More like an authoritative exclamation mark of certainty, followed by a ‘P.S. by Arjun Walia April 6, 2018 (collective-evolution.com) • Dr Wernher Von Braun (pictured above) was a Nazi rocket scientist in the secret spacecraft development plant at Peenemünde during World War II , then through Operation Paperclip recruited as a high-level NASA aeronautical engineer during the 1960’s and early 70’s. The possible motivations the company had in putting out this video are much blurrier than the footage it contains. April 1943, Heinrich Himmler visited Peenemünde. 1943: Nach britischer Bombardierung von Peenemünde wird das Serienwerk nach Nordhausen im Harz verlegt und als unterirdisches Werk weitergeführt. ( Log Out / Meine 12 Jahre mit Wernher von Braun Zum 100. Dr. Wernher Von Braun was a top ranking SS officer who was also the head of the Nazi rocket program during WWII. Die Raumfahrt zieht Wernher von Braun seit seiner Jugend in den Bann. Geboren wird Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun am 23. – “…Wernher reportedly admitted late in life that humans have possessed anti-gravity / beam-energy technology since WWII…Von Braun also pointed out in the 70’s that fossil fuels had been obsolete for decades, as humanity could now easily convert to a long-supressed, free-energy technology at any time”, Dr. Wernher von Braun was a top ranking SS officer who was also the head of the Nazi rocket program during WWII. Wernher Von Braun enjoying a Coke. Rocket scientist Wernher von Braun [pronounced Vairn-er fon Brown] is hailed as the Founder of American Rocketry and the designer of the Saturn V launch vehicles. SS-Leute umringten ein hochragendes Stahlgerüst. At that time, the dreaded
Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. These type of confessionals from top insiders of the system are something big media always does their damnedest to bury, but when I catch wind of one, I hear it out, dig deeper, and encourage others to at least think about it for a minute. Most of these top Nazis were later brought to the U.S. Thank you, Mr. to Sturmbannfüehrer: the equivalent of Major in the
Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Recreation of SS Ausweis (photo ID) of Wernher von Braun. Konstruktora, którego zespół stworzył rakietę Saturn V. Rakieta ta zabrała ludzi na księżyc. Aus diesem geht hervor, dass von Braun im KZ Buchenwald war und dort selbst Häftlinge aussuchte. von Quistorp) in Wirsitz (heute: Wyrzysk, Polen) geboren. Als „Nazi bei der Nasa“ – wo er als „Erbauer der Mondrakete“ gefeiert wurd. Wernher von Braun died in 1977 from pancreatic cancer as a naturalized citizen of the United States, leaving behind a legacy far more important than he ever realized. Ramseyer, BERN Streit um Wernher-von-Braun-Gymnasium: Schülerpreis - benannt nach einem SS-Mann Trotz der Mitschuld von Wernher von Braun am Tod tausender KZ-Zwangsarbeiter hält … His Nazi record was not widely known until after his death. Just to promote their new space-coaster? Von Braun was brought to America after the war because our government considered his knowledge and expertise too vital to fall into the hands of our enemies. L’ingénieur allemand Wernher von Braun est l’un des plus grands personnages controversés du XXe siècle. His Nazi record was not widely known until after his death. TIL Wernher Von Braun wasn't just a member of the Nazi Party, he was an SS Sturmbannführer (Major). Werner von Braun with his life he proved that genius and evil – things are compatible. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Wernher von Braun pretended to have been an oblivious scientist, too engrossed in his blueprints, calculations, and other pointy head work, to fully comprehend the horrors of the evil regime he served. (Why I chose America, in: "American Magazine", Juli 1952, S. 15). März 1912 in Wirsitz (heute Wyrzysk in Polen). Dr. Carol Rosin, a former leading aerospace executive and space & missile defense consultant with whom Von Braun became good friends late in his life, has testified before Congress that over the 4 years she knew him, up until his deathbed in 1977, Wernher had repeatedly warned that once all other methods of control and manipulation through fear, or ‘threat cards,’ have been played by the powers that be, (communism, then terrorism, then ‘crazy’ third world leaders, then asteroids,) “the alien card is the final card. He was exonerated of all crimes under Operation paperclip in 1945. 1928. In
http://trooth.info/troomla/component…ion-from-space. Also, for you alien hunters, here’s one of the more mysterious videos I’ve ever seen: Disney’s 1995 UFO expose / shockumentary / theme park promo, “Alien Encounters,” hosted by Disney CEO Michael Eisner himself. Dr. von Braun and his colleagues brought with them a wealth of information gleaned from other top Nazi scientists like his boss, SS General Hans Kammler. Juni 1977 in Alexandria, Virginia, Vereinigte Staaten) war als deutscher und später US-amerikanischer Raketeningenieur ein Wegbereiter der Raketenwaffen und der Raumfahrt. Despite his decidedly un-American beginnings, Wernher von Braun became an asset to the country, and almost single-handedly pushed America front and center in the Space Race. While there is always that possibility of a ‘coerced/falsified deathbed confession,’ in this case, I strongly doubt that while battling terminal cancer, Von Braun was misquoted or coerced into repeatedly making these warning statements against space militarization in the name of ‘international security.’, so resourcefull!! kid stuff. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977) was a German and later American aerospace engineer and space architect.He was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and a pioneer of rocket and space technology in the United States. Von Braun was a member of the Nazi Party and an SS officer, yet was also arrested by the Gestapo in 1944 for careless remarks he made about the war and the rocket. März: Wernher von Braun wird als Sohn des Generaldirektors der Deutschen Raiffeisenbank AG Magnus Freiherr von Braun und dessen Frau Emmy (geb. The von Brauns Wernher von Braun’s lineage can be traced back to the Junkers, a social class of nobles that dominated the Prussian military officer corps, the landowning elite, and offices of … Von Braun had explicit inside information on the Roswell UFO Incident of 1947. ( Log Out / Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912-1977), the German-American rocket engineer and space visionary, is often depicted in white or black, saint or devil terms. Wernher von Braun was promoted to Sturmbannfüehrer: the equivalent of Major in the U.S. Army. It certainly does seem this way, as von Braun apparently began to see the “big picture” regarding the true goals of America’s space program and how the military-industrial complex was manipulating it according to a secret, hidden agenda during the latter years of his life, What’s the deal with UFO’s? His father, conservative civil servant Magnus Freiherr von Braun (1878–1972), served as a Minister of Agriculture in the Federal Cabinet during the Weimar Republic. These days, between projectable holographs and ELF radio frequencies (extremely low frequencies only heard by your brain, not ears) I’d have to wonder if it was even an object at all. Wernher was the father of the Wunderwaffe V2 rocket (while in Germany) and Saturn rockets that propelled men on the Moon when in the USA working on Apollo Space Program. REQUIRED to wear his uniform on that all important day. I doubt it. 22/03/20 biography Wernher von Braun: as the SS officer led the United States into space Werner von Braun with his life he proved that genius and evil – things are compatible. Geburtstag. Wernher von Braun, der am 23. Amazing, Appreciate your knowledge. (Zitat Wernher von Braun: „Wissen-schaft an sich besitzt keine moralische Dimension […]. Wernher von Braun: NSDAP-Mitglied, SS-Sturmbannführer. An unlikely emissary for Southern tolerance and moderation, von Braun was a former member of the Nazi SS and had used concentration camp inmates' slave labor to build Hitler’s V-2 rockets. Wernher von Braun erscheint als klassischer Technokrat, der ohne morali-sche Bedenken die ihm vom herrschenden Regime zur Verfügung gestell-ten Ressourcen nutzte, d.h. ohne Rekurs darauf, dass dieses Regime prin- zipiell inhuman und amoralisch war. This is the ONLY photo of him in the death's head uniform. Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912-1977), the German-American rocket engineer and space visionary, is often depicted in white or black, saint or devil terms. Blitze zuckten, weißer Qualm umflorte die Startrampe. Eine Mitschuld an den Verbrechen des Zweiten Weltkriegs gestand er nie ein. An OMGUS (Office of Military Government for Germany, U.S.) document dated April 23, 1947 states that von Braun joined the SS (Schutzstaffel) horseback riding school in 1933, then the Nazi Party on May 1, 1937 and became an officer in the SS from May 1940 to the end of the war. Wernher von Braun was promoted
Er baute die "V2", die erste Rakete, die die Grenze des Alls erreichte. Auf Fotos stand er nun nicht mehr lachend neben seinem Führer, sondern neben US-Präsident John F. Kennedy. Wernher reportedly admitted late in life that humans have possessed anti-gravity / beam-energy technology since WWII, so even if it skimmed shingles off my roof, I wouldn’t assume ET was behind the wheel. 1942: Entscheidender Durchbruch: Die Rakete A4 durchstößt die Schallmauer und erreicht die Höhe von 85 km. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. In November 1937 (other sources: December 1, 1932) von Braun joined the Nazi Party. (Archive), ZERO-POINT: Navigating the Treacherous Road of Suppressed Energy Technologies (Archive), COVER-UP: Physicians For Informed Consent Say Infection Fatality Rate of COVID-19 Is 0.26 Percent, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWuAct1BxHU. Von Braun, for trying to give us the heads-up on the “Star Wars” program. Wernher von Braun Dr. Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr[1] von Braun (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977) was one of the leading figures in the development … Is there an imminent threat of an ‘alien attack?’ Let’s ask top Nazi-turned-NASA rocket scientist, the late Wernher Von Braun, inventor of the V2 rocket and true all-around pioneer of aerospace engineering as we know it. This is the
Mai 1945 stellt sich das SS-Mitglied Wernher von Braun, Raketenkonstrukteur und Technischer Direktor der Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde, im bayerischen Oberjoch der US-Armee. Wernher von Braun was born in Wirsitz, Germany (now Wyrzysk, Poland) on March 23, 1912, to a wealthy family. Seems we’re being conditioned to accept ETs as the new mother of all boogiemen. The rank of an SS officer, he worked to create “weapons of retaliation” of the Third Reich, starred in Disney and put a man on the moon. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.” Some of her key testimony can be viewed here, Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ALLUuvsVkM, This highly informative essay breaks down Walt Disney’s close friendship with Von Braun http://www.geschichteinchronologie.c…raun-ENGL.html, The author documents Walt’s political aspirations “to be King of America,” NASA’s need in the 50’s for space propaganda via the media, their partnership on films and TV shows, and the direct impact those projects had on public and government interest in space exploration.. not to mention paving the way for a space-based ‘star wars defense system.’ It doesn’t, however, discuss the alien base depicted “at the 33rd degree” on the far side of the moon in their 1955 film “Man in Space.”, For what it’s worth, world renowned remote viewer and founder of the US government’s psychic remote viewing program, Ingo Swann, has actually gone on record to say he ‘psychically viewed’ a moon base. Devolution or Revolution, SCORTCHED EATH: The Commoditization of Planet Earth, BULLY PULPIT: Editorials, Opinions & Masonic Visions, G.O.D: Guns, Oil & Drugs, The “Unholy” Trinity, GEO-ENGINEERING: Chemtrails, H.A.R.R.P & Weather Warfare, HIDDEN HISTORY: Advanced Ancient Civilizations, MIND GAMES: Psychokinetics, Remote Viewing & ESP, OUR DANCE WITH DESTINY: The Road Up Ahead, THEATER OF THE ABSURD: Political Vaudeville & Social Satire, REALPOLITIK: The Geo-Political Chessboard, ODESSA: Third Riech / Project “Paperclip”, RETURN TO EDEN: Resilient, Resourseful, Holistic Living, SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Targeted Assassinations & Coup D’Etat, ZERO-POINT: Grids, Ley Lines & Energetic Earth, THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: Disinformation, Omissions & Lies, COVID-1984: The Omni-Present National Bio-Metric State, STRANGE DAYS: Psychic Veil’s & Anomalous Realities, BIO-WARFARE: ‘Soft’ Targets, Bio-Toxins & World War ‘C’, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ALLUuvsVkM, http://www.geschichteinchronologie.c…raun-ENGL.html, http://paranormal.about.com/od/lunar…aa011507_2.htm, CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE - Official UFO Secrecy, MIND GAMES: Werner Von Braun & The Hoaxed Space Invasion – By L C Vincent (Archive), HIT LIST: What Do Larry Flynt, Michael Jackson & the JFK Assassination Have as a Common Link? Wernher von Braun : Der Raketenmann. Wernher von Braun led NASA'S development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the Moon. Raketenmann: Wernher von Braun konstruierte als Direktor des "Marshall Space Flight Center" in den USA die Saturn-Raketen, die Apollo 11 auf den Mond brachten (picture alliance / Everett Collection) His mother, Emmy von Quistorp (1886–1959), could trace her ancestry through both parents to medieval European royalty, … In reality, he had been quite comfortable with the Third Reich, the Nazis, and the SS, until late in the war. A bust of Wernher von Braun at the administration complex of … Dr. Wernher Von Braun was a top ranking SS officer who was also the head of the Nazi rocket program during WWII. By … The rank of an SS officer, he worked to create “weapons of retaliation” of the Third Reich, starred in … Gestapo SS took over the facility. His responsibility for the crimes connected to rocket production is controversial. Wernher von Braun tritt in die SS ein. A Wunderkind, he earned his doctorate in physics by age 22 in mid-1934, one-and-a-half years after the army lured him from the ranks of the small but enthusiastic spaceflight 58 His Nazi record was not widely known until after his death. They were intimately acquainted with the rockets of Dr. Robert Goddard. Er spielt vorzüglich Klavier und hat bei Paul Hindemith ein Stipendium in Aussicht. He later served the US in NASA's space program as a rocket engineer. Raketenkonstrukteur. März 1912 in Wirsitz, Provinz Posen, Deutsches Reich; † 16. Wernher von Braun wurde am 23. U.S. Army. http://paranormal.about.com/od/lunar…aa011507_2.htm. Es ist kaum vorstellbar, dass das SS–Mitglied Wernher von Braun diese gesamten Umstände nicht gewusst hat. Eingezwängt in ein enges Cockpit, am Hals ein Kehlkopfmikrofon, saß der Ge- freite Lothar Sieber im Plaste-Overall mit Asbestfutter. Wernher von Braun, (born March 23, 1912, Wirsitz, Germany [now Wyrzysk, Poland]—died June 16, 1977, Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.), German engineer who played a prominent role in all aspects of rocketry and space exploration, first in Germany and after World War II in the United States..